Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. (CME), care e actionar majoritar al PRO TV, anunta intr-un comunicat de presa postat pe site-ul companiei ca Adrian Sarbu a demisionat miercuri din functiile de Presedinte si Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ale companiei. Sarbu va mai ramane in companie pana la 1 ianuarie 2014, timp in care CME va cauta un nou CEO. Demisia are loc dupa doi ani de speculatii privind o eventuala plecare a lui Sarbu, perioada in care acesta a si vandut treptat pachete din actiunile pe care le detinea in companie.

Adrian Sirbu, impreuna cu Isarescu si Peter ImreFoto: AGERPRES

Demisia lui Sarbu va avea, probabil, un impact semnificativ atat pe piata de content TV din Romania, cat si asupra pietei de publicitate TV - ambele dominate acum de PRO TV. Sarbu controleaza in acest moment Mediafax Grup, trustul ce reuneste titluri precum Mediafax, ZF, Prosport, Gandul.

Veniturile CME au scazut pe parcursul ultimilor doi ani, in conditiile in care pietele central si est-europene in care opereaza compania au fost lovite de criza. Demisia lui Sarbu vine la doua luni dupa ce Comisia Europeana a dat unda verde conglomeratului american Time Warner - care intrase de citiva ani in actionariatul CME - sa preia controlul asupra CME.

In ultimul an, in pozitii importante din CME au fost numiti mai multi oameni cheie din operatiunile lui Sarbu din Romania - vezi cazul mutarii lui Costi Mocanu in pozitia de sef peste platforma voyo la nivel de grup.

La inceputul anului 2013, in incercarea de a rezolva dificultatile financiare, CME a decis ca posturile pe care le controleaza, inclusiv in Romania, sa nu mai accepte rebate in relatia cu agentiile de publicitate.

Evolutia actiunilor CME in ultimii doi ani

Evolutia actiunilor CME in ultimii doi ani

Foto: Hotnews

In plus, acum o luna postul PRO TV a fost scos din lista must carry, ceea ce inseamna ca operatorii de cablu vor trebui sa plateasca pentru a transmite cel mai urmarit post de tv din tara.

Comunicatul CME (lb. engleza)

HAMILTON, Bermuda, Aug. 21, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. announced that effective today Adrian Sarbu is resigning as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

Mr. Sarbu has played a prominent role in the Company for nearly two decades. Initially, he was CME's partner when CME launched Pro TV in Romania in 1995. Subsequently, he served as Chief Operating Officer of the Company from 2007 to 2009. Since 2009 he has been President and CEO.

Ronald Lauder, CME's founder and Chairman of the CME Board of Directors, said on behalf of the Board: "I would like to thank Adrian for his numerous contributions to the success of CME and for the passion, dedication and outstanding creative vision he has shown since 1995. Over this period, Adrian drove the implementation of CME's multi-channel strategy and new media initiatives. And he has worked diligently and successfully as CEO to maintain the Company's market leading positions in difficult macroeconomic conditions and a transitional period in the industry. We are grateful for Adrian's leadership throughout and look forward to continuing to work with him in the future."

Adrian Sarbu said: "I am proud to have been a part of CME for nearly 20 years and to have ensured the continued success of the Company through this very challenging period. It is an outstanding organization with talented employees. I am confident the Company is well positioned for the future. My mission at CME is accomplished."

In order to ensure an orderly transition, Mr. Sarbu will continue to be employed by CME until January 1, 2014. The Board has designated Duco Sickinghe, a member of the Board, to lead a committee of directors to ensure a smooth business transition while the committee conducts a search for a permanent CEO.

The Board strongly supports the strategies undertaken by CME during 2013, including important initiatives like the increases in television advertising prices and carriage fees, which are expected to produce the most value from CME's primary businesses, and result in strong performance from the Company.

CME is a media and entertainment company operating leading businesses in six Central and Eastern European markets with an aggregate population of approximately 50 million people. CME broadcasts television channels in Bulgaria (bTV, bTV Cinema, bTV Comedy, bTV Action, bTV Lady and Ring.bg), Croatia (Nova TV, Doma Nova World, and MiniTV), the Czech Republic (TV Nova, Nova Cinema, Nova Sport, Fanda, Smichov, Telka and MTV Czech), Romania (PRO TV, PRO TV International, Acasa, Acasa Gold, PRO Cinema, Sport.ro, MTV Romania, PRO TV Chisinau and Acasa Moldova), the Slovak Republic (TV Markiza, Doma, Dajto and Fooor), and Slovenia (POP TV, Kanal A, Brio, Oto and Kino). CME also operates Voyo, the pan-regional video-on-demand service. CME is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market and the Prague Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "CETV".

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